Extranjería españa
Me dedico especialmente a asesorar y representar a mis clientes en los trámites para la obtención de permisos de estudios, o de residencia (ya sea sin ánimo de lucro o con permiso de trabajo, incluyendo los Visados Oro), así como tarjetas de residencia de familiares de la UE. Además, asesoro y ayudo en la obtención de la nacionalidad española (por residencia o por opción), así como en el apoyo a los solicitantes de asilo (protección internacional).
También asesoro para la adquisición de inmuebles (viviendas o locales comerciales), o la creación de empresas de diversa índole. También asesoro y represento a mis clientes en procedimientos de familia (divorcios, herencias) y en pleitos civiles, mercantiles y penales en general.
Spanish citizenship managers
Welcome to HERNANDEZ CASTILLO, immigration lawyerWe are your immigration lawyer, we also specialize in Family Law, Civil, Criminal, Administrative and Labor Law. Established in Tarragona. Our main commitment is to satisfy the needs of our clients, offering a close, efficient and quality service, the satisfaction of our clients is our guarantee.
We offer a personalized, close and transparent treatment to our clients. Our services are always provided in writing and at a fixed price. In addition, you can pay our fees in regular monthly installments.
We are committed to each case as the most important. No matter what your problem is, we will listen to you and offer you the best legal solution to your case. Our clients are the most important to us.
Our firm has lawyers and collaborators prepared to offer an efficient and professional service. We apply minimum prices and the relation between the quality of the service and the cost of our intervention is unbeatable.
Immigration Lawyers
“Kind, with a lot of empathy, explains the steps to follow in a clear way, excellent, flexible, due to my work activity it is impossible for me to attend first thing, so it made it very easy for me to communicate by email, also everything was very fluid and fast, totally recommendable, stay the same! you are the best!”
People, in the past, emigrated without too much organization, and this was a product of lack of information, distances, delay in communications, and this generated numerous difficulties, loss of time, suffering… I want to help people to emigrate well, in the best conditions, thanks to the support of close professionals.
Lawyer immigration proceedings
The will to actually produce a lawful marriage under Article 6 of the German Constitution, must be in the will of both spouses (see OVG Berlin-Brandenburg, judgment of 29/01/2009, OVG 2 B 11 .08).
“The rule requires, in connection with § 108 para 1 sentence 1 VwGO, a formation of the conviction with regard to an internal fact to be acted upon in the future. This means that the court must not exegete unattainable evidence or irrefutable certainty, but in doubtful cases, it must be content with a degree of certainty with regard to practical life, which excludes doubts although these cannot be excluded completely. ( see Federal Administrative Court, the Decision of February 8, 2011 – Bundesverwaltungsgericht, Beschluss vom 8. Februar 2011 – BVerwG 10 B 1.11 NVwZ-RR 2011, 382). “